
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
The owner of this template is from Blogger Platform and I just did the beautification or customization according to my taste, just a while ago. It's a little tough but I think it's just the way the process is.  I also did the personalized header and the width as well as the font size, font appearance, colors, etc.

 I can just imagine the making of the design, the detail, the colors and everything. That's why, kodus to the designers and they just deserve of the reward of their job well-done. How much would was it, I don't know. All I know is that designing a template is not an easy work. It needs patience and creativeness as well as color-coordinating technique.

And so, this is it. What you see is my work. Eh heh! How do you like it? Or, do you? ;-) Now give me that good bites. Wink. ;-) Now we need some snacks. Ooh well. Have a great day/night everyone! ~hugs&kisses~

I am into shrimps nowadays. I can remember how I love to eat jumbo shrimps in the buffet with my friends in my favorite buffet restaurant here in my place. Then I realize it has been long time that I haven't made a shrimps soup, one of my favorite soup, of jumbo shrimps with cabbage on it or bokchoy. Below is with cabbage. As you can see, it is still fresh from the stove, with all the steam coming out from the pot.

I like to make vegetable and meat soup whenever my tummy calls for " no oil " foods. " No oil " means, I don't have to use cooking oil to cook it. And so above is made with jumbo shrimps, cabbage, lemongrass, bell pepper, tomato and salt to taste. And hooray! --- time for bites! Yummm! :)

How about you, do you love eating vegetables and meat soup? If so, how do you like cooking it? How do you like eating it? Have you tried this shrimps soup yet?

Sunday, July 14, 2013
(click image to enlarge)
It's about four months ago I had this homemade eggplant omelet. You can only imagine the age of this picture. Wink. ;-) And yes, you bet, I am now craving of this. And I intend to make it tomorrow. I planned to have cook this days ago and yep, I already have stocks of eggplant and of course eggs to go with it, as well as pepper, salt and olive oil to complete its ingredients.

And since I can't grill, I always do it through broiling. So I put it in a broiler and cook the eggplant there. Sometimes, I also steam it first before doing omelette. But most of the time, I broil it first.

Mmmm.. I can now imagine of the bites I will going to have tomorrow. Ciao then! :)

I'm quite a pro of this foodie dessert. And I made this a countless time already. So far, I can say I perfected it as of my own taste. I love it. It's not that I love " my own " but it is one of my favorite dessert and I tell you what, I can eat that little rectangular shape of Pyrex maja blanca content in one sitting. Yes, that's how I love eating maja blanca. It's great for hot weather or summer season because this dessert (well, I think most dessert anyway) is yummylicious (of course its the taste that counts) when serve cold. And you know the magic  word of coolness in hot weather season.

 (click image to enlarge)

How I made this? This is my recipe of maja blanca dessert and as you can see I have organic raw cashew as toppings (my first time to use cashew as topping) and it suits to my taste. I usually don't put toppings as I put just as the same measurement of peanuts to a cornstarch. Sometimes I also like to put crushed peanuts on it which what most cook does when making this dessert.

And so, why not take your bite? Smile.. :-)

Yep, just when I thought that this domain was already live but it actually got live just tonight. Just when I checked as of this time 1:31 A.M. Hooray, it is finally live! Woohoo!

I would like to thank blogging sis Nita and Jheylo for giving their inputs of my concern about my domain. Thankfully also it is in timing that a support from Godaddy arrived in my email. And so I checked blogger as well. And this is it. I can now start posting with its live domain.

So, it is a great night for me. I hope you too!

 Now I can have some bites and munch of my favorite organic raw cashew. Whew! ~Hugs&Kisses~

Saturday, June 29, 2013
Two days ago at around 8:00-9:00 PM, I made a decision to buy a domain for this blog of mine  that has been sitting here in my dashboard for more than two years ago. Yes, I already own this which is all about foods and bites, yes a food niche blog. Ever since I created my four blogs, I have been longing to have a food blog. And now that it has been realized, I cannot be thankful enough that I have this. Actually, I put this blog in a draft wayback 2011 for curiosity sake (yes, no post) and now it is live in public! Yay! It has been more than three years had past and this blog (without post, domain and anything) was hidden.

Looking back at the time that I purchased a domain for this as I said I had it done two days ago, I was a little bit shocked because I have to purchase such in the specific domain registrar, unlike on my four blogs that I directly got it from blogger. Whew! Good thing, I got it to have it correctly. I can just remember, when I bought the proposed domain of my blog: Cacai M.'s Place (if you can see, it is ".net " in the domain's URL suffix) but sad to say that I had not successfully  installed it right. So it is a celebration for me that I got this second time around. Ha! I have a secret for that, ha ha! --- Just kidding. Wink.

Now, can I ask you a favor of please welcome my foods and bites blog? Thanks in advance! ;-)

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