
Showing posts with label Vegetable Foodies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vegetable Foodies. Show all posts
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
I don't know if you're familiar with bokchoy vegetable, it has a green leaves and white stems. And so I missed having a soup like this. I had this picture way, way back then. I don't know how many months ago but it's not that a year yet. Ha ha!

Cooking this soup is easy-peasy. I usually had soups with a fried fish strips. Yes, as in I stripped a fried fish into tiny pieces, and I called it fish little strips. :-)

Okay, you wanna know the ingredients? Simply are: chayote squash, bokchoy, fried fish turned into tiny strips, spices (bell pepper, garlic, onion), a tablespoon cooking oil, water, pepper and salt to taste. I think you know already how to make a soup with a cooking oil. If not then, here it is:

  1. Assuming you already done cutting the chayote squash and bokchoy vegetables into length-wise then then wash and set aside. Also strip-off the fried fish into tiny little pieces. Hit up a tablespoon of cooking oil in a pan then put the pieces of garlic and onion then 15-30 seconds after, put the bell pepper together with the garlic and onion heated-up, let it brown.
  2. Then put  three (3) cups of water.
  3. Once boiled, put the vegetables. Then let it reboil.
  4. Put then the fried fish tiny strips. 
And done! Time to eat! :-)
Sunday, July 14, 2013
(click image to enlarge)
It's about four months ago I had this homemade eggplant omelet. You can only imagine the age of this picture. Wink. ;-) And yes, you bet, I am now craving of this. And I intend to make it tomorrow. I planned to have cook this days ago and yep, I already have stocks of eggplant and of course eggs to go with it, as well as pepper, salt and olive oil to complete its ingredients.

And since I can't grill, I always do it through broiling. So I put it in a broiler and cook the eggplant there. Sometimes, I also steam it first before doing omelette. But most of the time, I broil it first.

Mmmm.. I can now imagine of the bites I will going to have tomorrow. Ciao then! :)

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